Montana Prep Solutions
Pricing to sell on Amazon
Product Pricing
Cost per Unit
# of Units/month
Over 10,000 $0.85
5,001 - 10,000 $0.90
1,501 - 5,000 $1.10
201 - 1,500 $1.25
1 - 200 $1.49
Cost per Unit Includes
Label Removal
All Labeling (FNSKU, Suffocation Warning, Fragile, Shipping, etc.)
Rubber bands for shoes
Storage for up to 14 days
$0.50 per bundle to bundle up to 3 items
$0.10 per bundle for each item after 3 items.
Bundling includes bagging, labeling, and processing,
Bundling cost is in addition to per unit cost.
$0.60 per cubic foot per month
Prorated after initial 14 day period
Customer Returns
$1.00 per item for processing, re-bagging, or disposal as per client request.
Supply Pricing
Poly 3"x6" to 12"x18" $0.20
Poly 14"x20" to 24"x32" $1.00
Bubble bags $0.50
Bubble Wrap Large $1.00
Bubble Wrap Extra Large $1.50
Large $3.00
Extra Large $3.25
No charge for reusing boxes
The state of Montana is tax free on goods and services. The tax savings alone pay for most of our services. You can rest easy knowing that our Amazon 3pl is working to ensure that your inventory is prepped and shipped in a timely manner and order accuracy of the highest level to sell on Amazon.
For answers to our Frequently Asked Questions, go to our FAQ
To get started with Montana Prep Solutions please Contact Us.
For your Amazon prep, we are simply your best option for a fba prep center. Your inventory is our passion.